Batch mixer HSM / Catering equipment / Cooking equipment
Model: Normit HSM
This catering equipment cooker is designed for high speed homogeneous mixing of emulsions, creams, mashed potatoes, etc. It can be equipped with a heating jacket for boiling, cooling and maintaining the desired product temperature.
Due to the presence of a special mixer, the motor does not heat up with hot steam. The bowl can tilted, and the agitators are easily removable. The processes carried out in this mixer increase the volume and plasticity of the mass, which contributes to the improvement of its shaping and dosage accuracy.
Mixing Equiment - Suitable products: 
- sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard), pasta, spreads, soups
- smoothies, jam
- yoghurts, ice cream, curd desserts, mousse
- air confectionery masses, pastry cream
- fillings for sweets, waffles, rolls, chocolate, gingerbread, cookies, muffins, rolls
- pastila, marshmallows, meringues, marshmallows
- brewed dough, sponge cake
Catering Equipment - Areas of application:
- Food industry
- Cosmetic industry
- Pharmaceutical industry
A: length, mm 1 535
B: width, mm 1 020
C: height, mm 1 444